
What was in the beginning?
What was in the beginning_editedIn the beginning was the Word and the Word was with Him;
He constructed a whole world for His creation to be weaned.
He started with heavens and finished with earth,
Perfecting the stages with wisdom and mirth.
He opened His mouth and said, “Let there be light”,
And light came out of darkness to His and our delight.
He gathered the waters into dry land and seas,
And filled them with greenness and fishes and trees.
He separated the time into days and nights
And made signs for seasons by planets and lights.
He spoke again and the earth filled with life,
Swarming with creatures each after its own kind.
He dressed them and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply
And show their Maker’s greatness with power and style.
And when all was ready, He made something new
By inventing the people as three out of two.
He created them like Him, in His image and form,
And put them to live in a world made of gold.
He knew He could trust them to rule and to keep
The garden He had planted as pleasing and sweet
(For a being possessing His image and form
Could not be begetting evil concepts and thorn).
He engaged them in labor – to till and to fill
Every field and a neighbor with niceties still.
He let them do many things, except just one –
To eat from the tree that looked merry and fun.
He wanted to test them, making them to be free
To abide by the evil or be instructed by Him.
Most surprisingly though, they chose the first,
Giving right to the serpent to quench their thirst
For wisdom and knowledge that looked nice outside
But was deadly destructive when taken inside.
Had they eaten instead from the other mid tree,
We wouldn’t be part of this third “treelogy”
Of a Father sent Son to die on a cross
Making heavens above a viable choice.